Ljubljana International Tango Festival
Show meFind below the event’s description, pictures, performers, tango stores etc*. Use the comments section at the end to ask any questions you have about the festival, the city, accommodation etc, and feel free to even look for a partner or roommate if you don’t have one for this event. Simply post your comment below!
*Tangoargentinofestivals.com is bringing you this info from public sources and in some cases from the festival organizer on a best effort basis but we take no responsibility of its accuracy. This website is not responsible for any alterations of the festival’s program, differences between what is presented here and what happens at the festival etc, and you should verify with the festival’s website and organizer before taking any decision.
What is it like to be at Ljubljana International Tango Festival?
An international tango festival that brings legends of tango such as Chicho Frumboli and Juana Sepulveda, and a beautiful cast of international TJs from all around Europe. The milongas and classes will take place inside Ljubljana’s most elegant, 100+ years old hotel in the very centre of the city. Built in secession style in has a charming old-school cafe and beautiful salons and the magical, romantic Festivalna Dvorana built by the world-famous architect Jože Plečnik – with hardwood floor and incredible lights; one of the most scenic places to dance in Ljubljana.
Price: All milongas package €80, 4 classes €100, Complete package (all milongas and 4 classes) €160
Edition: 14th
Last year’s Ljubljana International Tango Festival edition:
Performers at Ljubljana International Tango Festival:
Mariano “Chicho” Frumboli & Juana Sepulveda are an integral part of today’s international tango scene. No other couple combines so well rhythm and virtuosity with silken smoothness. Their dance ranges between strength and lightness, humor and seriousness, lasciviousness, and forward movement. Their teaching is sophisticated and encourages each dancer to find new concepts for his/her own dance repertoire.
Tango classes at Ljubljana International Tango Festival:
Ljubljana International Tango Festival is a great opportunity for you to meet and have classes with your favourite tangueros and tangueras. Discover the available classes in Ljubljana International Tango Festival here:
Find the classes schedule here.

To feel, feed and shape the “onda” of each instant in order to let the pleasure grow and flow it’s the most important principle of my musical selection. I have been djing in many sites from tiny milongas to the hugest international festivals and my dj set is always built on tandas & cortinas, embracing a period from the ’20s to contemporary orchestras, modelling my hystoric and energetic choices on the mood of each milonga. Alongside being a passionate tango dancer, I am a composer and musical producer and this contributes to the care and craftsmanship with which I nurture my selections.
Invite this TJ to your festival or recommend to your teachers here.

I started Tango in 2008, practicing and going to Milongas became my favourite activities. My first Tango DJ experience was in 2010 and ever since I’ve been exploring orchestras and creating stories with tandas.
I would describe my sets as balanced between soft and rhythmical, building tandas in a crescendo, finishing with the best.
Invite this TJ to your festival or recommend to your teachers here.

Sergio Piscitello comes directly from Palermo, Italy. Eclectic and dreamer, he is constantly inspired by his great sensitivity to the mood and atmosphere on the dance floor.
Sergio’s DJ style is mainly traditional with a nice mix of the classics. He keeps the energy high with a nice blend of the 30s, 40s and 50s, in traditional tandas with fun cortinas.
After years of experience with tango festivals and marathons Sergio has acquired a deep knowledge of tango music.
Invite this TJ to your festival or recommend to your teachers here.
Any tango argentino festival that respects itself should be able to make you look forward to rest your feet at the end of the night. Discover accommodation suggestions for you close to Ljubljana International Tango Festival!
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Days left…
Event Details
Date: November 7 – November 10, 2019
Location: Miklošičeva cesta 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Slovenija Grand Hotel Union. Warning: multiple locations
Website: https://www.tangofestival.si/
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Which brands will be selling shoes this year? I am looking to combine shopping and dancing this year 🙂 🙂 😀
Also, is Grand Hotel Union the only good option around?
Good afternoon Ava!
Related to the brands, we contacted the organizers to help answering your question.
Related to accommodation, when we have something new we’ll let you know!
Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm and questions!
Hug, and let go,
the T.A.F. team