Bravo Tango Festival
Show meFind below the event’s description, pictures, performers, tango stores etc*. Use the comments section at the end to ask any questions you have about the festival, the city, accommodation etc, and feel free to even look for a partner or roommate if you don’t have one for this event. Simply post your comment below!
* is bringing you this info from public sources and in some cases from the festival organizer on a best effort basis but we take no responsibility of its accuracy. This website is not responsible for any alterations of the festival’s program, differences between what is presented here and what happens at the festival etc, and you should verify with the festival’s website and organizer before taking any decision.
What is it like to be at the Bravo Tango Festival?
One of the best festivals in Europe – the Palazzo Ducale is truly an incredible place. It is also the last chance to see a live show by Noelia y Carlitos in their last show. Get ready for 18 classes of four amazing couples, with many reasons to study with them, and of course, four days full of tango. The festival also offers a free sightseeing tour of the city and its marvelous historic center.
Many countries represented, divine music to dance, what are you waiting for? Check below more information and book your trip to Genoa!
Space dimensions: – not provided
Early bird period with great discounts ends on 31st of August!
Max number of participants: 180 dancers on Thursday night, 700 dancers on Friday and Saturday Night, 180 dancers on Sunday Night and 250 in the afternoon
Gender balance considerations: – not provided
Edition: 9th
Last year’s Bravo Tango Festival edition:
Performers at Bravo Tango Festival:
Performers in past editions of the festival
Many amazing dancers have danced in the Bravo Tango Festival in the past, such as: Esteban Moreno Y Claudia Codega, Marina Montes, Gaston Torelli, Natalia Ochoa y Alberto Colombo, Guillermo Salvat y Silvia Grynt, Fausto Carpino Stephanie Fesneau, Belen Giachello y DIego Riemer, Stefano Giudice y Marcela Guevara, Gianpiero Galdi y Maria Filali, Marco Miljevic y Maja Petrovic, Neri Luciano Piliu y Yanina Quinones, Claudio Forte y Barbara Carpino, Jonathan Saavedra y Clarisa Aragon.
This year’s performers:
LAST CHANCE to see them together. THE LAST SHOW of one of the best Tango couples of the last 10 years!!!
GREAT Teachers and great Performers. Chck their performance in the last edition of the event:
One of the best couples of the Tango World. Take a look at this video in the Historical Milonga Brava.
Information on this couple is missing. If you know them, please ask them to come in contact with us.
Tango classes at Bravo Tango Festival:
The Bravo Tango Festival is a great opportunity for you to meet and have classes with your favourite tangueros and tangueras. Discover the available classes here:
Tango Classes Schedule in Bravo Tango Festival 2019

Carmen Villafuerte
TJ since 2005, Carmen has played in Milongas and international events, such as the “Milonga La Placita”, the Plaza del Museo de Sevilla, the “Milonga de Lola”, I International Festival of Seville.

Sergio Chiaverini
Sergio discovered Tango in January 2000, and fell in love with all the emotions it expresses. He focuses on musical pieces that are great to dance, and loves creating a “dancing” energy while modulating the various stages of the milonga.

Gaspare Gibaldi
In 2007, after 7 years of continuous listening to various Argentine and European DJs who have inspired me in different ways, I started as a resident DJ in my Milonga Del Angel and immediately I was invited to various Festivals, Marathons and many cities in Italy and abroad. My previous artistic experiences inspire my way of feeling the energy of the dance floor and the musical proposition. I like to create a common experience among the public, based on the environment and the theme of the evening. This ways I can create tandas, which are in harmony with the dance floor. As a dancer, I like to dance music of the 1940s but I don’t mind hiking in other eras, and I care a lot about being an original forerunner. I still want to listen before proposing and this excites me a lot.

Mauro Berardi
Tango Stores:
Time to update your collection of tango shoes, pants or dresses? Discover the stores that will exhibit this year in Bravo Tango Festival, and even visit their pages to have something specially made and delivered to you when you arrive at the festival!

Miss Tacco
Dresses: RossaSpina, Roxana Vincelli, Miss Deseos, Miss Tacco
Now you can also look for free accommodation
The first advanced-search Tango Hosting platform is here. You can look for or offer accommodation to other dancers, and you can search based on the host's location, hosting capacity and even the events he or she will go.
Photographers and videographers:

Elvis Arsic is a Tango dancer and milonga organizer since 1999, and photographer since 2011. He travels in Europe with his passionate and professional eyes to capture the festivals’ most beautiful moments. His strength: The speed of publishing pictures online for maximum visibility and positive feedback!

Any tango argentino festival that respects itself should be able to make you look forward to rest your feet at the end of the night. Discover accommodation suggestions for you close to Bravo Tango Festival!
Other tango argentino festivals to consider
Discover more tango argentino festivals!
Days left…
Event Details
Date: 5-8 of December 2019
Location: Genoa, Italy
Website: Titango
Got questions? Use the comments below to ask.
The submission of a comment implies your consent to data processing in accordance with the Statement of Privacy (Legislative Decree 30/06/2003 n. 196). Sending voluntary your data, in accordance with the Privacy Policy/Regulation UE 2016/679, means that you allow us to contact you and inform you related to comments’ activity (for example a response to your comment, new comments, or simply to contact you in regards to your comments’ content).
Why is it the last time to see Noelia and Carlitos? They will not perform together again?
We reached out to the organizers with your question Michael. Let’s give them sometime to respond.
Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm and questions!
Hug, and let go,
the T.A.F. team
Yes, what is going on? If that is true I would love to see them for the last time, but still sad to read it :’-(
Hi Michael , Exactly they will stop to dance together after The Festival Bravo in Genoa.
The festival looks great! Is there any place that we should definitely visit while being there? We are thinking of renting a car, so we’ll be able to move around.
Hi Mario, to partecipate at the Bravo Festival you don’t need a car. The best option is the train. All the locations are reachable by walking. The only place you will need a car to go to is the milonga Brava on Thursday. But we are thinking to organize a shuttle bus or some cars… we are working on it, but of course it is only for the people that have prepaid. For the other days really you don’t need a car.
Are there any other hotel recommendations? Anyone from last year that could recommend alternative options?
Hey Nick! Thank you for the question! We are waiting for some answers from last edition’s participants and will get back to you!
Hi Nick, really these Hotels are not only the headquarter to classes, secretary, Sunday afternoon milonga and so on… GRAND HOTEL SAVOIA and Hotel CONTINENTAL offer very very Beautiful Rooms, are really Clean and you can eat a super breakfast there. If you want a hotel that requires less investment you can find around these but sure not with the same quality. Think about it.